Help Change Lives .

Financially support Mystic Mutts and give free training, equipment, and seminars back to the community!

The Mystic Mutts Pawtners Program

While service dogs are incredible disability aids, they are often expensive and hard to access. Here at Mystic Mutts, we do everything we can to limit these costs, but in order to keep our doors open and help more people we have to charge a certain amount for training. That is why, to continue fulfilling our mission of accessible, affordable service dogs, we have started the Pawtners Program. 100% of the money donated to the Pawtners Program goes directly into funding training or equipment/supplies for community members who would otherwise struggle to afford it.

How do donations work?

We have 2 options for donating to our Pawtners program- donating to a training fund which is used to create & distribute free resources, host free group classes & seminars, and provide free or heavily discounted training to teams in need, or purchasing items on our Amazon wishlist which are given for free to teams in the community (not just teams who have trained with us!). Any amount from $5 to $5,000 or more can be donated, and any amount helps!

Where does your general donation go? Your donation could be used for a variety of things!

FREE GROUP CLASSES - Just $40 is enough for us to hold a free group class here in Centennial! These will be advertised on our Instagram and Facebook pages when we do them, and might cover a variety of topics- always focused on helping handlers who might not otherwise be able to afford professional training!

FREE ONLINE SEMINARS - A $30 donation is enough for us to host a free online seminar! These will also be advertised on our Instagram and Facebook pages when we have them. They cover a variety of topics, from safe tool use to access law or prospect selection & evaluation.

FREE MATERIALS & OUTREACH - Smaller donation amounts may be used for printing materials & travel costs for community outreach! Whether that is free ADA information sheets for businesses, community education at libraries and public events, or free school programs, we can do a lot with a little when it comes to educating handlers on their rights and educating businesses & the public on service dogs!

FREE PRIVATE LESSONS - $70 in donations covers a free private lesson for a team in need! These will generally be advertised on our Instagram & Facebook pages, open only for teams who do not normally have access to a professional trainer. We will typically offer these 2 at a time to provide a follow up and the most possible benefit for that team.

You might notice that these fees are significantly less than what is charged to the public. This is because I add a 30-40% discount to the cost of any lesson paid for with donations, as my way of saying THANK YOU for supporting not only Mystic Mutts, but service dog users in need!

Generally, if we use money from our donation fund, we will post about it on social media!! Follow us @mysticmuttsco on Instagram and @mysticmutts on Facebook to keep up with what we are doing to give back to our community!

Can’t give much or want to know exactly where your donation is going? Check out our Amazon wishlist! All of the dogs in our programs appreciate treats & toys, and their handlers greatly appreciate the patches, leashes, & vests we are able to give out. Any item purchased from our wishlist is given to clients and handlers in the community free of charge, or used to assist in our programs.